Media Misrepresent New Study on Fracking, Earthquakes

A new study adds to the weight of evidence that injecting wastewater deep underground

German Government, Not Wind Power, Beats Energy Competitors

Bloomberg News published an article Friday trumpeting the headline, “German Wind Power Beats Hard

California City Councils Choose Wildlife Deaths Over Fracking

The San Luis Obispo, Goleta, Berkeley, and Arcata city councils passed resolutions this past

Fact Check: Vox’s David Roberts Tells Tall Tales on Subsidies

Vox’s David Roberts published an article last week claiming “Most energy subsidies go not

Union Leaders Stand Up for Nuclear Power, Deride Wind and Solar

Nuclear power is the most effective way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and efforts

To Fight Air Pollution and Global Warming, Think Globally

Global warming advocates at The Energy Collective have published an article perfectly illustrating how

Warming Advocate Ron Bailey at Reason Calls Out Renewables

Reason Foundation science correspondent Ron Bailey has rankled the feathers of global warming skeptics

Liberal Partisanship Sabotages their Climate Goals

The liberal website Vox features a pessimistic article about the prospects of avoiding catastrophic

Climate Group: Natural Gas, Not Renewables, Is Largest Factor in Emissions Decline

Natural gas’s growing share of electricity production has been the largest driver of declining

Japan Learns Lesson, Returns to Nuclear Power

Japan has restarted five nuclear power plants and is likely to restart several more,

Natural Gas Prices Already Less Expensive than Before Harvey

The environmental left has been gleefully predicting and reporting that Hurricane Harvey, striking the

Harvey Lays Bare Mexico’s Affordable Energy Addiction

Bloomberg News and other media outlets are attempting to score political points against natural